Bitcoin according to Sam Altman (OpenAI): a step into a new era of technology

In times when technology is evolving at a dizzying pace, Bitcoin sets new directions in currency and transparency. Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, creator of, among other things, ChatGPT, speaks enthusiastically about Bitcoin’s role in combating corruption and its potential as a global currency.

Bitcoin, being a digital currency, becomes a key element of technological evolution for many. In a recent interview given by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, he emphasized that Bitcoin is a “super logical” step on the technological tree. Moreover, it is free from government control and contributes to combating corruption.

The idea behind Bitcoin is to create a global currency that operates outside the control of any government. Altman believes that this is an essential step towards a technological future. Transforming into a “technologically enabled world” could help reduce corruption.

Corruption is a huge obstacle to any action in society. Nevertheless, in a world where payments are made digitally, not in cash, it is possible to observe financial flows. Even when using Bitcoin, payments are transparent, which, according to Altman, helps to limit corruption.

Joe Rogan, the podcast host, also shared his optimism about Bitcoin, despite some skepticism about the cryptocurrency industry at large. He believes that Bitcoin has the best chance of becoming a universal, accepted currency. The key to its success is its limited quantity and the fact that people can “mine” it using their own computers.

Altman has long supported the idea of Bitcoin. In a blog post from 10 years ago, he argued that a world transacting in Bitcoin would be more transparent. Financial transparency may be key to reducing corruption.

During the conversation, both Rogan and Altman expressed their concerns about central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). They fear that these might give governments even more control over how people spend their money. Altman was also critical of the U.S. government’s approach to the cryptocurrency industry, expressing his disappointment with recent actions in this area.

In the digital era, when technology defines new frameworks of reality, Bitcoin seems to be the answer to many challenges. Both Altman and Rogan are convinced of its potential, while also emphasizing the need for caution regarding initiatives related to central digital currencies.

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